Purpose Circle #2- The Path to Success

Happy New Year Ladies (and Gentlemen)!

WACA is ready to start the year off running. We are preparing for Purpose Circle #2 on Wed., January 18th in Blackburn Center (East Ballroom) between 12-2p. (Click on the picture for the 2012 schedule.) We will be discussing themes from pages 19-28 from Dr. Dorothy Height’s Book “Living With Purpose.” Click here for questions to be discussed: LWP Handout #2 MAC

If you don’t have the book, don’t worry! Our discussion will center around our individual definitions and experiences of success. These Purpose Circles are intended to inspire and motivate each of us to be the best that we can be. Come and join the Howard community as we welcome 2012 by indulging in camaraderie, friendship, and inspiration.

Purpose circles will be held from January through April of 2012. Read the corresponding chapters and join us for the remaining sessions. The reading schedule can be obtained by clicking here :PC Timetable.

Hope to see you there!

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